Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Conversations with Plant Lady.

Plant Lady: Knock, knock!

Me: Hi there! How's it going?

PL: Just fine thanks. (Looks at an open program book on my desk). That guy's got one hell of a fake tan!

Me: Yeah, it seems so. And fake teeth.

PL: I got fake teeth, but not a fake tan.

Me: Oh. Um, ok.

PL: (Looks over at one of the figurines on my desk). I have another client with the guy fighting the chicken thing at one of my other offices. I don't know what it means, but it's funny.

Me: It's from "Family Guy." Just a random thing, but it makes me laugh.

PL: You know that show "Lost in Space"? I have another guy who has that robot from that show that goes "Danger, danger Will Robinson!!!" (flailing her arms in the air and using a robot voice). You know? "Danger, danger!!!!"

Me: Yeah, I was born in 1977.